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Home Insurance: FAQs

Home insurance is intended to protect your home from unforeseeable calamities, but it can be difficult to completely understand your coverage. D & E Insurance Agency, serving the greater Muskogee, OK community, is here to answer frequently asked questions about home insurance to help with your most pressing questions and give you confidence in your policy.

Home Insurance: FAQs

What Does Home Insurance Typically Cover?

Homeowners insurance provides protection against a range of risks that can befall homeowners and can be prohibitively expensive to cover out of pocket. These include property damage, personal property loss, personal liability, and added living costs. 

When Should You Get Home Insurance?

Before closing on your property, your mortgage lender will most likely require that you buy homeowners insurance. It is crucial to compare different options to choose the best policy based on your requirements. 

Does Home Insurance Cover a Home-Based Business?

If you frequently work from home or own a home-based business, you could need more coverage. Although they may only cover a modest amount of business-related materials or equipment, homeowners insurance policies occasionally exclude liability related to your home business. 

Does Home Insurance Cover Valuable Collections?

It is possible that your coverage will not always fully cover pricey or precious collections. Ask an insurance agent about your assets, so you can understand what is protected and, if necessary, add any further coverage.

We Are Here To Help

If you live in Muskogee, OK or any other nearby area, and you are currently shopping for home insurance, feel free to reach out to D & E Insurance Agency. Our qualified and knowledgeable insurance agents will answer all your questions and help you find an insurance plan based on your needs and budget. 

What are the three major parts of a renters insurance policy?

A renters policy refers to a group of insurance coverages developed to help those who rent rather than own a condo or home. According to the insurance specialists at D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK, a standard renters insurance policy consists of three coverage types.

Three Major Parts Of Renters Insurance

Personal Property

This part of a renters policy provides coverage (up to policy limits) for your personal belongings should the insured individual face a fire, theft, vandalism, or water damage in the property. The policy reimburses the cost of replacing/repairing damaged or stolen personal items.


Liability coverage protects the insured if found to be legally responsible for the cause of bodily injury or property damage to others. For instance, if a visitor is injured in your rented home – caused by the insured/renter’s negligence, this part of the policy may cover expenses should the injured party sue for damages. It also extends to damage or injuries the insured may cause to someone else’s property.

Additional Living Expenses (ALE) After A Covered Loss 

Should the home your rent become uninhabitable, caused by a defined covered event like a fire or severe storm, the part of the coverage will help with the expenses of temporary living arrangements – meals, hotel bills, or even another rental home.

Note that optional coverage/riders/endorsements may be added. These may include identity theft protection or specific coverage for high-value items, among others.

Contact Us Today

For information about how you can customize a renter’s policy to fit your specific requirements for protection, contact the licensed insurance professionals at D & E Insurance Agency. We look forward to serving your rental insurance needs in and around the greater Muskogee, OK area.

The Risk of Driving Without Auto Insurance

If you own a car, you will likely need to take out an auto insurance plan. These plans can reduce risks by providing payouts in a variety of circumstances. As such, car owners should closely consider their insurance options and should reach out to an insurance agent if they have any questions. Get in touch with D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK to learn more.

The Road Can Be a Dangerous Place

Each year, millions of car accidents occur in the United States. Often, the property is damaged, and accidents can also produce expensive medical bills. Auto insurance may cover some of the costs that result from an accident. Of course, it’s crucial for policyholders to read the fine print, as some things may not be covered.

When an uninsured motorist gets in an accident, he or she may be on the hook for property damages, medical bills, and other costs. If an uninsured driver is found to be at fault, they may have to pay for someone’s medical bills and property damage as well. These costs can quickly add up and may also lead to complex legal battles, including civil suits. If you’re insured, your insurance company may handle these hassles.

Driving without insurance is also against the law in many jurisdictions. You may even have to show proof of insurance when applying for a license plate. Failing to get insurance could lead to criminal charges and other legal issues.

Auto Insurance May Cover Other Damages

Many cars end up destroyed during severe weather events, such as tornadoes or hurricanes. If a car isn’t insured, the motorist may have to cover the damage themselves. In many cases, the motorist may simply not have enough money to repair or replace the vehicle. As a result, folks could end up stranded. Owners may also have to cover damage caused by break-ins and other events.

Reach Out To Us

While coverage may vary from plan to plan, the right auto insurance policy might cover damage incurred in any of the above scenarios. Visit D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK to learn more.

Types of Commercial Insurance

At D & E Insurance Agency, we offer many types of insurance, including commercial insurance, for residents of Muskogee, OK. Commercial insurance can provide financial protection for your business. 

What is Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance differs from personal insurance policies because commercial policies are designed to protect businesses and business owners. 

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance provides coverage for your place of business or buildings where you conduct business operations, including warehouses, stores, and manufacturing centers.

This coverage includes the structure, inventory, and property within the building. 

Commercial Auto Insurance 

Commercial auto insurance provides auto coverage for vehicles that are used as part of your business operations. This includes vehicles owned by the company and personal vehicles employees drive while completing job duties. 

Commercial General Liability

Commercial general liability provides protection from liability claims. If someone is injured or their property is damaged while visiting your business, this policy coves the damages. 

It also covers wrongful eviction, libel, copyright infringement, and damage to properties you are renting. 

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance is important for small and medium-sized businesses. If you can’t operate your business due to covered property damage, this policy will compensate you until your business is open again. 

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

Worker’s compensation insurance will cover the medical expenses and lost income of employees if they are injured on the job. If you have one or more employees, Oklahoma requires worker’s compensation coverage. 

Business Owner’s Policy 

A business owner’s policy combines commercial property insurance, general liability, and business interruption insurance into one easy-to-manage policy. 

Reach Out To Us

If you are in Muskogee, OK and need commercial insurance, contact us at D & E Insurance Agency. Our knowledgeable agents are here to help you select the policy that meets your needs. 

I Am Buying a New Home: Do I Buy Home Insurance Prior to Closing or After Closing?

Here at D & E Insurance Agency, serving the greater Muskogee, OK area, one of the insurance products we offer is home insurance. When it comes to home insurance, we are asked a variety of questions, but one of the questions that people often ask us is whether they purchase home insurance prior to closing on a new home they are purchasing or immediately after closing on their new home. 

Do I Buy Home Insurance Prior to Closing or After Closing?

If you are purchasing a home, you must have home insurance on the home prior to closing. You will not be able to close on the home without proof of insurance. This includes either a certificate of insurance that is issued by the insurer you are buying home insurance from or a copy of the insurance declaration’s page.

It is also important to note that your mortgage lender typically needs a copy of this statement a few days to a week prior to closing. This ensures that they list the right insurance company in the closing documents. As such, it is recommended that you purchase home insurance about one to two weeks prior to closing on your new home. 

Reach Out To Us!

Congratulations on buying a home! Buying a home is a huge investment, and as such, you want to ensure that you protect that investment by purchasing a home insurance policy that not only covers the full replacement value of your home but the items that are stored inside of your home as well. Here at D & E Insurance Agency, serving the greater Muskogee, OK area, we can help you obtain home insurance for your new home. Call us today to get started. 

Need Renters Insurance? Check Out These 5 Helpful Tips

Do you rent a house or apartment in Muskogee, OK? Do you want to protect your possessions and finances from unexpected accidents? If so, you should strongly consider acquiring renters insurance from a provider like D & E Insurance Agency. Renters insurance can be a little complex, so we’re going to offer 5 tips to help you find the best plan for you:

Tips For Renters Insurance

Evaluate Your Coverage Needs

Start by evaluating your coverage needs. Consider the value of your personal belongings and choose coverage options that can help replace those items in case of theft, damage, or loss. Also, consider acquiring liability coverage that can protect you if someone is injured on your rental property.

Research Different Providers

Research different providers and compare their coverage options, premiums, and customer reviews. Not all providers who serve locations in Oklahoma are the same. So, do your due diligence before picking a provider or a policy. 

Choose the Right Coverage Level

Choose the right level of coverage based on your needs and budget. Many renters insurance policies offer different coverage levels, so think about the value of your personal belongings and choose a coverage level that will adequately protect you.

Understand Policy Terms and Conditions

Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of your policy, including any deductibles or exclusions. Also, ensure that you understand how to file a claim and what is required in case of a loss.

Bundle Your Insurance Policies

Consider bundling your renters insurance with other insurance policies, such as auto or life insurance. This can often result in a discount on your overall insurance premiums.

By following these tips, you can find the right renters insurance policy to protect your personal belongings and provide you with peace of mind while renting.

Are you looking for renters insurance in Muskogee, OK?

If so, be sure to reach out to us at D & E Insurance Agency today for more information!

Safety Tips For Aging Drivers

Driving changes a lot during different seasons of life. New drivers face very different challenges than adult drivers. Aging drivers also have their own special set of challenges. At D & E Insurance Agency serving the greater Muskogee, OK region, we are here to help you better understand some of these challenges so that you can stay safe drivers for years to come.

Here are some safety tips for aging drivers:

Take A Safety Course

Odds are you learned how to drive many years ago. It is a good idea to take a safety course or a defensive driving course to refresh yourself on some of the safety rules you should be following. Taking a driver’s safety course can also sometimes earn you discounts on your car insurance. 

Keep Up With Eye Appointments 

It is not an unusual thing for our eyesight to suffer as we age. Poor eyesight will greatly increase your risk of accidents when driving. To keep yourself and others safe, you will need to stay up to date on your eye appointments. You also need to make sure you use the proper eyeglasses or contacts prescription for any vision problems you may have. Although these things can sometimes feel annoying, they are crucial to your safety and the safety of other drivers. 

Pay Attention To Medications 

As we age, sometimes it is necessary to start taking medication. If you are taking medication, be sure that you do not drive after taking anything that might impair your driving in any way. You need to be alert when driving so that your reflexes will be at their best. 

Give Us A Call

If you would like to learn more or are in need of auto insurance, please contact us at D & E Insurance Agency serving Muskogee, OK and the surrounding areas. 

Does Commercial Insurance Protect Against Cyber Crime?

Commercial insurance or business insurance protects the owner from various risks. One significant risk to businesses of all sizes today is cybercrime. Most business or commercial policies cover liability related to cybercrime. Remember to make sure the policy you choose covers liability for data breaches if you have an online presence. Let the experts at D & E Insurance Agency serving Muskogee, OK assist you with acquiring a policy that fits your needs. 

Commercial Coverage

Commercial insurance is designed to protect businesses and owners from many risks. They can include client lawsuits, data breaches, theft, and natural disasters. Commercial coverage is essential for all types of businesses. However, you can customize your coverage and add coverage that meets your needs and offer more protection from the unexpected.

Businesses of all sizes and types need commercial insurance. If you need help determining which type of insurance works best for your situation, we can help. Our agents are highly insightful and trained to assist customers with selecting the proper coverage. 

Residents needing commercial insurance can sit down with one of our top insurance experts, who can provide solutions based on their current and future needs. We strive to ensure each individual gets exceptional customer service they need to protect the things that are most important to them. 

Reach Out Today

If you want to learn more about commercial insurance protection that’s right for your needs, reach out to us today. Call or stop by D & E Insurance Agency in Muskogee, OK and let us get started helping you get the proper protection. We want to ensure customers have insurance products that offer them security and peace of mind. 

When should you update your homeowner’s insurance?

At D & E Insurance Agency, we want the home insurance you purchase from us to provide the ideal protection for your Muskogee, OK home. That’s why we recommend at least an annual home insurance review.

Home Improvements Signal a Need for Insurance Updates

A lot can change about your home during the course of one year. You might not even think about the things that you update or change. In the past year, did you replace any of the following:

  • Roof,
  • Windows and/or doors,
  • Flooring,
  • Kitchen appliances,
  • Utility room appliances?

If you answered yes, you made a change that increased the value of your home! Good job!

Of course, since you increased the value of your home, you need to increase the amount of coverage for your home. We can help with that.

Other changes in your home also signal a need for added coverage. If you convert your garage into a bedroom or office, or you build an addition, you need to add coverage to your home insurance.

When Your Home Value Increases, so Should Your Insurance Coverage

When you initially purchase your home insurance, your agent asks for the value of your home. Since you probably purchased it as a part of your home purchase, you know it, and your policy accurately covers your home. As time passes, the home you buy for $150,000 undergoes changes that improve it.

The new roof adds about $10,000 to your home’s value. The kitchen and utility updates typically add between $5,000 to $7,000 in value. Depending on how many windows you replaced, that adds thousands of dollars to your home’s value, too. It all adds up, and if you underwent a home appraisal, you’d probably find that your home after updates holds a value of $175,000 or more.

Updating your home insurance coverage ensures that your insurance would cover the cost of replacing your home as it was when something happened to damage or destroy it. Hazards such as fire or tornado can cause massive damage. Undergoing an annual policy review can help you keep your coverage up to date, so your insurance fully covers your home.

Contact Us Today

Contact D & E Insurance Agency,  serving the greater Muskogee, OK community, for a home insurance policy review. Let us help you fully cover your home.

Why Might a Landlord Make Renters Insurance a Requirement?

Renters Insurance is not a requirement under Muskogee, OK law, but many landlords will compel you to show proof of a policy in order to secure a lease. This is because landlord insurance does not extend to your possessions but only to the building you occupy. In addition, many renters choose to purchase this insurance for the benefits it confers.

Why Might a Landlord Make Renters Insurance a Requirement?

It was once rare for landlords to make renters insurance mandatory, but this has now become common practice. One reason is that it can help to alleviate potential disputes between tenants and landlords.

Just as a landlord will ask for a security deposit, your renters insurance helps ensure there is a clear demarcation between what you are both responsible for. Your D & E Insurance Agency representative can be of more assistance in explaining the specific coverage for your situation.

Renters insurance can help cut down on claims that are made to a landlord’s policy in the event that you suffer a loss due to a fire or other structural problem. In some cases, this can help landlords in situations where there is damage due to tenant negligence. 

Landlords do not have to worry about compensating tenants for damaged possessions in the event they are stolen or vandalized. In addition, they may not have to expend resources to provide a tenant with a temporary place to live in the event they are dispossessed. Finally, the landlord’s own insurance company may require that a renter purchase his or her own insurance. 

Let Us Help

D & E Insurance Agency serves the Muskogee, OK region, and we tailor our products and services to meet your needs. Stop by our office, call us, or reach out to us online, and we look forward to answering any questions you might have.  

Partner Carriers

  • Access Insurance Company
  • American Modern
  • AmWINS
  • Equity Insurance Company
  • Gainsco
  • Harbor
  • Liberty Bankers Life
  • National Lloyds
  • The National Security Group
  • Progressive
  • Traders Insurance
  • Travelers
  • UAIC